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WorkNC合作Hermle、Ingersoll 、Gressel"一站式"加工赛车轮架模型
来源 点击率:4816 日期:2018-03-20


Hermle 哈墨
Hermle 哈墨 C32U 
AlMgCuPb aluminium 等
Ingersoll 英格索尔
Gressel 格里塞


WorkNC partnered with Hermle, Ingersoll and Gressel to provide a one-stop machining solution for a motorsport prototype wheel carrier.

WorkNC与Hermle、Ingersoll 、Gressel 合作为赛车模型轮架制造商提供一站式加工解决方案。


Utilising WorkNC’s diverse 2D, 3D and 5-axis toolpaths, the wheel carrier was machined from AlMgCuPb aluminium using adaptive trochoidal roughing and global re-roughing strategies and finished largely with 3+2 axes. 

AlMgCuPb铝制轮架加工时,利用了WorkNC丰富的2轴、3轴 和5轴加工策略,其中包括可调节的摆线粗加工和全局再粗加工策略,并由3+2轴完成主要精加工。

WorkNC 智能编程CAM软件 赛车轮架模型 WorkNC 哈墨 英格索尔 格里塞联合加工  强互科技

It was carried out on a Hermle C32U machine, with the stock held in place by a Gressel workholding system. The Ingersoll cutting tools included FormMaster pro for the pre- roughing and machining of the back of the carrier, ChipSurfer for re-roughing, OctoPlus for facing, ChipSurfer Ball for contour finishing, and a variety of tools for drilling, tapping and boring.

WorkNC配置于安装Gressel装夹系统的Hermle C32U加工中心合作完成整个加工过程。其中利用的Ingersoll 刀具包括用于轮架背部开粗的FormMaster,用于二次开粗的ChipSurfer,用于表面加工的OctoPlusr,用于轮廓精加工的ChipSurfer球刀,以及多种用于钻孔、攻螺纹和镗孔的刀具。

WorkNC;WorkNC智能化多轴数控编程软件;模具CNC编程软件;Gressel夹具最安全的数控编程软件;最合适哈墨机床的数控编程软件; Hermle C32U 型号机床的常用的CAM数控编程软件;用英格索刀具的数控编程软件;最好用的WorkNC 联动五轴CAM/CAD软件;哈墨机床上常用的编程软件;强互

Gerhard Hermann, Sales Engineer at WorkNC, says the partnership shows co-ordinated teamwork in the manufacturing chain between machine tools, cutting tools, workholding and CAM software. “We have worked together on many occasions in the past few years. This wheel carrier for a racing car is a perfect example of how a proven, single source solution ensures manufacturers can optimise their machining process.”    

WorkNC销售工程师Gerhard Hermann表示,该合作关系展示了加工中心、刀具 、夹具 以及CAM软件制造链之间的协调合作。“过去几年中,WorkNC和Hermle, Ingersoll and Gressel一直密切合作。而此次合作加工的赛车模型轮架完美证明了一个成熟的一站式解决方案能够确保制造商最大程度优化加工过程。”

WorkNC;WorkNC智能化多轴数控编程软件;  哈墨C32U模型加工; 模具CNC编程软件;Gressel夹具最安全的数控编程软件;最合适哈墨机床的数控编程软件; Hermle C32U 型号机床的常用的CAM数控编程软件;用英格索刀具的数控编程软件;赛车轮架模型;最好用的WorkNC 联动五轴CAM/CAD软件;哈墨机床上常用的编程软件;强互

In producing the wheel carrier WorkNC automatically considered the tool holder during calculation, to obtain optimal machining of all areas. “This was achieved principally through the use of a dynamically updated stock model,” says Gerhard Hermann. “Due to exact information about the current state of machining, only areas with remaining stock were milled. WorkNC automatically separated those 3-axis toolpaths into several inclined 3+2-axis paths. The angles can either be set by the user or defined in a very simple way using the Auto 3+2 module, reducing programming to just a few clicks.” 

轮架加工时,WorkNC在计算过程中自动考虑夹具,获得所有区域的最佳加工效果。“这主要通过使用动态更新储存模型实现,”Gerhard Hermann说,“根据当前加工状态的准确信息,只铣削模型剩余未加工区域 。WorkNC 自动将那些3轴刀路分成几条不同角度的3+2轴刀路。这些角度可以由用户重新设置或通过Auto5模块轻松进行定义,减少编程时间。”

WorkNC联合Hermle机床,配置Ingersol英格索尔l 和Gresse格里塞l加工赛车轮架模型-强互

In addition,WorkNC’s 5-axis simultaneous milling generates continuous toolpaths, creating an excfellent surface finish with short tools. “Programming is considerably simpler as only a few toolpaths need to be defined.”



Each WorkNC toolpath can be automatically converted into a collision-free 5-axis path, meaning there is no need for time-consuming definition of guide curves or surfaces.




上一篇: WorkNC运用于牧野Makino各种型号的加工中心加工各类复杂精密模具和零部件  
下一篇: WorkNC配合Mazak 马扎克加工中心制造各类塑料模具和精密机械设备零部件
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