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来源 点击率:3656 日期:2018-03-13

      A company manufacturing foils and accessories for the gliding and sailing industries has achieved 2.5-times faster turnaround by using the WorkNC CAM solution from Vero Software.

Ketos, based at Savoie in France, uses WorkNC to machine prototype moulds for producing just one or two parts, or a mini-series of up to 30 parts. Managing Director Anne Rostain says the accuracy with which WorkNC interprets their design data guarantees that the production mould is a precise replica of the prototype.

      Ketos公司生产滑翔和帆船行业的箔片、配件和模型,通过使用Vero软件的WorkNC CAM解决方案,实现了2.5倍的快速周转。

      Ketos总部位于法国Savoie,其使用WorkNC加工各类原型模具的一两个零部件,或者加工多达30个零件的迷你系列原型模具。总经理Anne Rostain说,WorkNC的设计数据的准确性保证了生产模具是原型的精确复制品。

WorkNC CAM解决方案;帆船箔片原型模具编程软件;WorkNC准确高效加工;WorkNC2-5轴编程软件;CNC;模型和产品编程用哪款软件比较多;强互

      “When we design our products we aim to create precise, high performance profiles which meet different navigation criteria. Therefore, it’s essential that machining operations produce the exact reflection of what we’ve imagined and designed.” She says they regularly test new profiles, meaning they program two or three new moulds each month for their hi-tech composite components.


WorkNC CAM技术解决方案 帆船行箔片 强互科技

      The company, which was established 25 years ago,operates with 10 employees from a 300 square metre workshop, key customers are predominantly surfing enthusiasts from all over the world, along with specialised retail outlets. The company ethos for continuous development ensures their products have evolved to achieve product reliability and sustainability. With a huge passion for their bespoke products, Ketos work with high quality materials that offer the best technical and environmental solutions.


WorkNC CAM解决方案;原型模具编程软件;WorkNC准确高效加工;WorkNC2-5轴编程软件;CNC;模型和产品编程用哪款软件比较多;强互

      Using a Raptor 2.5-axis CNC machine, driven by WorkNC 3-axis software, Ketos manufacture their products mainly from bio-sourced resin and designed with SolidWorks CAD. With meticulous detail going into product design, they need to ensure the end product is exactly as designed. WorkNC allows them to take designs seamlessly through to manufacture by converting CAD into CAM. Anne Rostain says: “With WorkNC we maintain control over the complete cycle, from design through to in-house production, at a reasonable cost.”

       Ketos使用Raptor 2.5轴数控机床,由WorkNC三轴软件驱动,生产的产品主要以生物树脂为材料,并使用SolidWorks CAD设计。在产品设计的细节上,他们需要确保最终产品是完全符合设计的。WorkNC允许他们通过将CAD转换成CAM来实现无缝设计和制造。Anne Rostain说:“使用WorkNC,我们可以以合理的成本控制从设计到内部生产整个周期。”

WorkNC CAM解决方案 滑翔配件CNC加工编程软件 强互科技

       Using WorkNC for the past two years has dramatically improved turnaround times, estimated as 2.5 times quicker, and overall production efficiency. Before investing in WorkNC the production process was completely manual in which they used a model maker to produce resin moulds based on the prototype. They decided to invest in WorkNC as well as an NC machine tool to automate production. “We needed a 3-axis solution to drive our NC machine, which was simple to use. WorkNC was easy to implement and its cost was rapidly paid back.”


WorkNC CAM解决方案 树脂模型 滑翔配件 五轴数控编程软件 强互科技

      Accuracy has also played a key role in saving time. Anne Rostain describes the software as “crucial” for creating their one off prototypes. “Each mould is unique, which can be time consuming to create. However, WorkNC allows Ketos to be very responsive and to rapidly test new ideas. We manufacture prototype moulds for producing hi-tech components made from composite materials. We are required to regularly test new profiles which means we have to program 2 or 3 new moulds per month.

      准确性在节省时间方面也发挥了关键作用。Anne Rostain把这款软件描述为“至关重要”,因为它可以创建出他们的原型。“每个模具都是独一无二的,这可能会耗费时间去创造。”然而,WorkNC允许Ketos快速响应并快速测试新想法。我们生产用复合材料制成的高科技部件的原型模具。我们被要求定期测试新的资料,这意味着我们每个月必须计划23个新模具。 

WorkNC CAM CAD   复合材料的原型模具CNC加工中心编程软件 强互科技

      The company has benefited from WorkNC's user-friendliness and the machining sequences functionality which allows them to use data from the library and simply apply it to new jobs. This provides a higher level of automation. Anne Rostain concludes by saying WorkNC is reliable, secure and effective, and easy to implement. “We save a lot of time thanks to the use of machining sequences which allow us to re-use and make adjustments to existing programs. The wide range of 3D machining strategies, the possibilities offered by 5-axis strategies and robotization available with WorkNC, suits us perfectly.”

      Ketos受益于WorkNC的用户友好性和加工模板功能,这些功能允许客户数据库中使用数据,并简单地将其应用到新工作中这提供了更高级别的自动化。Anne Rostain总结说,WorkNC是可靠的、安全的、有效的,并且易于实现。“我们节省了大量的时间,这要归功于我们使用的加工模板,使我们能够重复使用并调整现有的程序。” WorkNC 3D加工策略的范围很广,五轴策略和机器人技术提供的可能性非常适合我们。

Worknc最新信息和资料提供 实际CAM解决加工案例 CNC加工中心数控编程软件 强互科技

上一篇: WorkNC如何全方位提高模具加工效率?  
下一篇: WorkNC Designer 9大功能轻松完成​CAD实体设计,高效实现CAD和CAM的无缝转换
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