公司资讯 | 行业动态 | WorkNC 加工应用及合作案例 | WorkNC 与机床合作案例 | NCspeed应用案例
来源 点击率:3833 日期:2018-04-26


用户名称:Sable Engineering  



Benefits Achieved:

Ease in programming with associativity between CAD and CAM functionality

Ability to simultaneously process multiple toolpaths

Ability to easily import scanned data as .STL files into WorkNC 





“We use WorkNC because it allows us to have multiple fixture setups on all of our CNC machines. Some of the parts

 we produce can be plus or minus .0002.”

——Andreas Batz President and Founder

As is the case with all manufacturers, time is of the essence for Andreas and Joseph Batz.The two experienced Michigan-based manufacturers of automotive, aerospace and medical parts are dedicated to turning out the best products in the business while cutting both programming and machining time.“We’re taking this to the next level and doing things that other people haven’t even thought of doing,” says Joe Batz, director of operations for Sable Engineering of Port Huron, Michigan.  

Andreas 和 Joseph Bat如所有制造商一样,都认为时间至关重要。他们来自美国密歇根,在汽车、航空航天和医疗器械零部件加工方面拥有丰富的经验,长期致力于为用户提供最优质产品的同时,节省编程和加工时间。“我们正在提高这个水平,通过正在做一些其他人甚至还没有想到的事情,” Joe Batz说。他是位于密歇根休伦港Sable Engineering公司的运营总监。



Sable’s key strategy for taking business to the next level is investing in the kind of machinery and software that will empower them to reach the topmost rung of their enterprise. “We are striving to build state-of-the-art facilities,” says Andreas Batz, Sable’s president and founder, of what sets his company apart from the pack.

Sable提高业务水平的关键策略是投资那些能够让他们成为企业龙头老大的高品质加工设备和数控编程软件。“我们正在努力建造最先进的设备,”Sable公司总裁兼创始人Andreas Batz说,这能够让他的公司从同行业中脱颖而出。


Established partially for Andreas’s love of automotive engineering, the company has steadily grown since its founding in November of 1999. With 14 employees strong and still growing, Sable’ s star remains on the rise.




The machining of automotive injection tooling accounts for the lion’s share of business, followed by various aerospace parts — particularly fixturing and forms — and medical products, such as implants. “We have a wide array of customers,” says Andreas, who adds that he also has a lot of competition. “Sable prides itself on going the extra mile to provide very high-quality work, and exceptional surface finishes.” 

汽车注塑模具加工占据了Sable的大部分业务,然后依次是各种航空航天零部件—尤其是夹具和模型以及医疗产品, 例如机械植入物。 “我们的客户群体非常广泛,” Andreas说。接着他又补充道,他们也面对着很多竞争。“但Sable一直致力于为用户提供高品质产品及保证产品的优质表面光洁度。我们以此为豪。”


Sable’s equipment includes 8 CNC Machining Centers — both three and 5-axis — with multiple fixture setups on each. This combination of steep financial investment and machine-tool complexity prompted Andreas to invest in a reliable computer-aided-manufacturing (CAM) solution that would enable him to maximize and protect his machinery.



As a long-time manufacturer, Andreas is well versed in the offerings of the CAM market. He was familiar with the WorkNC CAM solution, by Vero Software, upon opening his business, and has since found that it has fulfilled Sable’s needs. “We use WorkNC because it allows us to have multiple fixture setups on all of our CNC machines,” he says. “Some of the parts we produce can be plus or minus .0002.”The majority of materials machined at Sable are aluminum, P20 steel, H13 hard steel, stainless steel, and plastics, which can be challenging to cut due to an abrasive carbon contents.“In other words,” Joe says, “this isn’t your grandfather’s machine shop.”

作为一名资深的制造商, Andreas深谙CAM市场的产品。自创业之日起,他就非常熟悉Vero公司的WorkNC,同时发现WorkNC完全能够满足Sable的加工需要。“WorkNC能够使我们在所有CNC加工中心上设置多个夹具,这也是我们选择WorkNC的原因。”他说,“我们生产的部分零部件的加工精度可以是正负.0002”。Sable使用的大部分加工材料为铝,P20钢,H13硬质钢,不锈钢和塑料。由于这些材料中的碳成分耐磨性较高,故切削难度非常大。“换句话说,”Joe 说,“这已不是祖父当年经营的传统的加工店。


Programming with Flexibility  灵活编程

To begin the programming process, programmers at Sable typically import a solid model designed in the Cimatron computer-aided-design (CAD) system into WorkNC. Sable utilizes Cimatron for its major design needs, but also takes advantage of the CAD capabilities within WorkNC to make minor changes during the programming process.

 编程开始前,Sable的编程人员通常会把Cimatron中的CAD图形导入WorkNC。Sable利用Cimatron做设计。但是在编程过程中,也会利用WorkNC CAD的优势对原始设计进行小幅度修改。

WorkNC CAD设计功能;WorkNC 模具设计;WorkNC CAD和CAM的无缝转换;强互科技


Due to the associative nature of the CAD and CAM functionality of WorkNC, Sable programmers can make changes to the CAD model that are automatically reflected within the CAM program.“The CAD side of WorkNC will establish how to set up a job, and it’s linked to the CAM side,” Joe says. “In WorkNC, I can switch from the CAM side back to the CAD side to make a change, and it automatically updates the CAM program.”

 得益于WorkNC CAD与CAM无缝连接,Sable的编程人员对CAD模型的修改会自动反映到CAM程序中。“在WorkNC CAD中开始的新工作会自动连接到CAM中,” Joes 说,“使用WorkNC, 我可以从CAM返回到CAD中去做修改,所做的修改会自动更新到CAM程序中。”

WorkNC CAD设计功能;WorkNC 模具设计;WorkNC CAD和CAM的无缝转换;强互科技


Sable also saves time by utilizing the batch mode capability of WorkNC to program parts and simultaneously calculate multiple toolpaths on separate stock models.“WorkNC will actually process three toolpaths at one time,” Andreas says, noting that it isn’ t uncommon for the company to be working on 15 programs simultaneously.

Sable通过利用WorkNC 批处理计算功能进行零部件编程,同时计算不同库存模型上的多条刀路,有效节省了时间。“在实际应用中,WorkNC能够同时编辑三条刀路,”Andreas 说,一家公司同时自动计算15条刀路很常见。


“There is a lot of software that doesn’t utilize multiple computer processors at the same time,” Joe says of the power inherent to WorkNC. “Back in the old days, you would hit a button to process programs and then go get a cup of coffee.” At Sable, those days are over.The batch mode calculation ability of WorkNC, which keeps the user interface free to tackle other jobs, utilizes the full processing capabilities of the PC.The software’ s parallel 64bit processing functionality also enables multiple cutter paths in the WorkNC workzone to be run simultaneously, provided that any given toolpath is not dependent upon another.

“很多软件不能同时进行多核计算,但是WorkNC可以”,Joe说这是WorkNC自带的强大功能。“回想以前编程的日子,你会点击计算刀路的按钮,然后在计算结束之前去喝杯咖啡。”在Sable,这种日子已经结束了。WorkNC批处理计算功能使用户在编程结束后把计算步骤放在后台批量运行的同时,用户界面仍可处理其他工作,且充分利用PC处理能力。WorkNC 64核并行运算功能让工作目录中的多条刀路能够同时计算,只要他们之间不存在继承关系。


WorkNC’s automatic feature recognition function, which saves the programmer time that would otherwise be invested in identifying and defining the dimensions of part features, is an additional time saver for Sable’s programming department.




Once the CAD model is imported into WorkNC, the software can automatically identify part features to be machined. The flexibility of the system allows for the customization of the process, as programmers are also able to de-select automatically defined features if they’ d prefer, for instance, to wait to machine them.



“Automatic feature recognition will actually identify all of the holes — whether it’s a tapped hole, a drilled hole, hole, et cetera,” Joe says. “That saves a lot of time.”

“自动特征识别功能可以识别所有孔的类型,无论是螺纹孔、钻孔、还是其他孔,” Joe说。“这为我们节省了很多时间。



The application of WorkNC workzones to stock models is another time-saving function for Sable. Workzones simplify and maintain the integrity of the programming process while allowing multiple programmers to work on the same program from different locations.


“You might rough a job and the guy finishing it may be in another building.” Joe explains. “In most cases shops have programmers who can only create rougher programs, and experienced programmers creating finishing paths.”In those cases, a programmer is able to complete the roughing portion of a program, export the stock model with the new parameters, and pass that model off to another programmer.


WorkNC 2-5轴智能化数控编程软件;高品质精加工效果;强互科技


“The software knows what’s left, and where the tool went — and it’s just simpler to give someone a model that’s been worked on,” Andreas says.

“Instead of me scrolling through 14 layers of toolpath, it’s just easier to start with a new model,” Joe adds.

“软件知道余下的工作,以及刀具切削路径。WorkNC模板编程非常简单,只需要给负责的人一个在运行的模板即可。”Andreas 说。

“与其让我浏览14条刀路,还不如从新模板开始操作更加容易,”Joe 补充道。

Embracing New Technologies  抱新技术

    In no instance is Andreas and Joe’s willingness to embrace new and emerging technologies more apparent than it their use of scanning and engineering technology.Sable uses a free-standing Steinbichler Comet L3D 5MP Blue-LED scanner to scan existing parts for reproduction, and to scan parts with dimensions or pallet placements that are challenging to pinpoint. Once the part is scanned, the scanner creates an .STL file that can then be imported into WorkNC.  

扫描技术和工程技术的运用, 说明了Andreas 和Joe在任何情况下都很乐意去接受新技术。Sable使用摄像机脚架式Steinbichler Comet L3D 5MP 3D蓝光LED扫描仪扫描现有零件,用于复制加工。扫描难以定位的不同尺寸零部件或底盘。一旦扫描成功后,扫描机会创建一个.STL格式文件,然后将其导入到WorkNC中。



“It’s not so much saving time as knowing where you are,” says Joe of the use of a scanner for identifying part dimensions and exact location. He adds that, with jobs involving raw castings or the use of palletized machines, the use of the scanner enables the programmer to get an accurate fix on a workpiece.

“扫描仪识别零件尺寸和其所在的确切位置,为我们节省了很多时间”Joe 说。他又补充道,在涉及生铸件或使用托盘式机器的工作中,扫描器的使用能够让编程人员准确锁定工件位置。


“Without scanning rough-cut work pieces or casted parts, it would require our programmers to spend numerous hours to re-qualify existing machined areas,” Joe says.




“You can’t run your machines unattended if you don’t know where your parts are.” Andreas adds. “The technology for scanners has grown exponentially in the last three to four years.”

“如果你不知道零件的准确加工区域,就不能让机床在无人看管的情况下运行。”Andreas补充道。 “扫描仪技术在过去三到四年内呈指数增长的状态快速发展。”


Most notably, scanners are able to manage data much more quickly than ever before. The ability of CAM systems like WorkNC to utilize the data further drives the development of scanning for manufacturing purposes.




Sable’s Steinbichler scanner, paired with its CNC machinery and WorkNC, makes it possible to complete work that would have taken a week or more in just a few days.

Sable把 Steinbichler扫描仪搭配CNC加工中心和WorkNC使用,使需要花费一周或更长时间的工作可能在短短几天就能完成。



“For example,” Joe says, “one of our customers supplied Sable with tuned V-6 throttle bodies, hand ported and polished. By laser scanning the first hand-worked throttle body, our engineers created a solid model for CNC machining. It took the guy a week to make the first part — but it only took me 90 minutes to complete the same part with our CNC equipment.”




Though Sable has clearly met with success in part because of his pioneering spirit, Andreas is quick to point out that realizing his company vision was, in some aspects, a group effort.“We are very dedicated to our customers,” he says, “and appreciate everyone involved with helping Sable Engineering grow into the company we are today.”





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下一篇: 亮点—WorkNC合作德马吉森精机和日立刀具加工飞行员头盔模型
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